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The last Friday the 13th of 2020

Good morning lovely person :)

Today is the last Friday the 13th of 2020... There ain't shit for special about Friday the 13th when we compare it to the 4th of July, Thanksgiving or even Christmas. Sitting here I can easily recall my last 4th of July's, TG's or Chirsmas's... however, if you asked me what I did this year on September 21st of 2020 I'd likely have a stupid look on my face like Chas's dogs do when they want to be petted. hahah!

The beauty about Friday the 13th is that it happens at random throughout the year.. Some within months and some many months apart.. The next Friday the 13th will be August 13, 2021. Hell, right now, the month of August is closer to us now than the one we're waiting for.

I'm going to remember this moment, this day and days leading up to today... I'm going to remember Friday the 13th 2020 again so that on August 13, 2021 I will know right where I was just as if it were a known holiday.

Presently I went to bed at 11pm, dog wanted out at 1am, then 3am, then 4am, then the alarm went off ten to 5am. I'm groggy as a mother, 200MG deep into caffeine, due for another 200MG here and still got the rest of the day to get after it. As for most Fridays, I'm lost in thought meanwhile I have a grip of shit that still needs my attention and service. hahah :)

Beyond looking at today, I have a unique advantage of recalling past Friday 13th's. Not by being deliberate in memory, nope! simply by the happenstance of this blog allowing me to look into the past...

Gratefulman post: October 13, 2017 - Friday 13th Gratefulman post: April 13, 2018 - Time

Gratefulman post: July 13, 2018 - Friday 13th... or.. 13 beers on this Friday?!

Gratefulman post: September 13, 2019 - Pizza... why did I eat you?!

Gratefulman post: December 13, 2019 - Friday the 13th... In December?!

Gratefulman post: March 13, 2020 - A Cure for no Toilet Paper!

I need to note!

not until this moment of digging into past Friday the 13th posts did I realize that - Exactly one week before I started these vulnerable weekly picture emails where my words and thoughts would lead me finding myself personally, then evolving into Exactly one week before was Friday, January 13, 2017.. I can only think and ponder that the universe somehow knew I would one day connect the dots of the unprovoked circumstance on how Friday the 13th would be for me. The post "Time" has always been one of my favorites to go back and reflect on... again, not until today did I realize it was also Friday the 13th.


Between now and August 13th of 2021 is only 273 days.. that is 92 days short of one full year.

That small 273 day window of time has NOT been written or defined... being intentional, there's an opportunity.

Every year we start the New Year with a "hell yeah" gonna stop this", start this".. I'm gonna!" blah, blah, blah. Most go through some of the year and suddenly are like - shit! well that didn't happen... I guess I'll try that again - next year... wasted months go by.

Moving forward, starting today, I'm going to start looking at Friday the 13th in a completely different kind of perspective. They will be mid year, random days, that are milestones of self improvement, self reflection, or habit change, or, or..

A full year can sound daunting as a mother... however, breaking it down into a couple months that is almost a year, but not - is entirely realistic.. AND! is doing something when no one else is like the New Year.

The start of 2020 was filled with a ton of gusto! Lots of excitement and love... the term "2020" was used in conjunction of "focus" and "clarity"...

I believe it means something entirely different now...

"Hindsight" ... is 2020

Things are obvious that were not obvious from the outset; one is able to evaluate past choices more clearly than at the time of the choice.

There's a lot to be learned in life... the year 2020 has made that topic a very easy thing to talk about... we've spent more time alone and socially forced/encouraged/mandated to spend more time alone than at any other time. Rather than looking at 2020 as a total shit year (which it was, no doubt!).. there are takeaways we can use to make the coming years, hell, at least the coming 273 days better than the recent 245 days since the last Friday the 13th..

If you need a reminder, we were smack in the start of a no-toilet-paper-covid-shitshow!


a question for you, friend:

What are you going to do or stop doing in the next unwritten-undefined 273 days?

If you need a buddy to help sort through that, Chas and I are here to help. It's a constant unprovoked conversation at home anyway... so we're already running down hill. :) Just ask :)

Have a grateful weekend! and an AMAZING Friday the 13th!

We appreciate you!

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