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Friday the 13th... In December?!

Today is Friday the 13th... in December..

I think whomever started the calendar they likely had a sense of humor... why would there be a Friday the 13th in December? Ha!

So I ask you, friend... what's going through your mind today on this Friday the 13th? What's the first image you think about? how does that compare to what's in your life, your mind?

Are you feeling overwhelmed with the upcoming massive holiday? Has Amazon shipped all your packages? Have you even started that process? Is the tree up? Whose party are you going to? Whose are you not going to? Are you holding a party?

Is work going well? Should you or not should you take this time off? Do you have enough money for Christmas? Do you even like Christmas? How's the family? Do you have family members to hang with this Christmas? What family are you not spending it with?

Are things festive and all good? Are you so excited to give your presents this year? Is there something special you're holding out on? Are you still buying Christmas decorations? Are you thinking about those whom have less than you? Are you thinking about how to please them?

Are you thinking about what's next year going to look like? Are you thinking of things you're not doing but should be doing? Are you holding out for a new year so might as well take it easy - cause everyone else is?

Are you?

Have you?

I wonder what's going through this person's mind as they walk through the cold, in the winter, probably on Friday the 13th.

If you're feeling the joys of a final bang to the year, you're not alone...

If you're feeling the stresses of the final bang to the year, you're not alone...

We are all going through this together. If you need to, want to, talk to a buddy, share with a buddy, need a buddy.. Chas and I are your buddies.

Have a grateful Friday friend :)

We love you. <3

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