Today (now yesterday) I am but 7 years from turning 50. For my friends who have already hit this milestone I can see your eyes rolling - stop - ;) or the look to the sky in reminiscence of being "oh so young."
In my old ass mind I can appreciate that numerical sentiment and am sure I will do so just the same. :)
The blog posts here are a curse and a benefit. The benefit of being able to recall where I was at said time in my life is a treat. The curse is that it's a constant reminder of how quickly it goes by. Similar to watching your children grow in front of you compounded by finding it hard to recognize their voice down the hall or on the phone.
Father Time has no fucks to give... even on one's name day.
There is beauty in celebrating one's name day. Specifically being able to thank the universe for allowing one more trip around the sun.
When I was a kid it was about the taste of fall in the air. The sun rises a bit later, football season is around the corner. As I've aged I've come to appreciate the overcast days, the hope for a monsoon rainstorm, the ability to swim while it's raining. Furthermore, I've leveraged milestone anniversaries in this month to keep me grounded and focused.
As I flip back into my Grateful Man archive - Turning 37 for the first time is a classic of a post. At the time it took about 12 hours to prepare for. A humorous memoir of me picking on myself... "oh the joys of being so young" come to mind.
The follow-up, Turning 37 for the first time, REVISITED at 40... a similar add on to the playful experience of turning 37. And as much as I'd like to say "oh the joys of being young" .. I'm not. Instead, it's like, "damn... that was fast?!"
If the 37 year old moment were a child, today I'd be celebrating its 6th birthday. It would already be in the 1st grade at least, having the ability to conduct their own conversations with glimmers of the growing, someday adult individual within.
Should Father Time grant me the generous contribution of many more decades of life I shall look forward to revisiting that 37 at 74. In my recall of what six years ago feels like, having documented every week since, I cannot imagine the story to be told at that time.
To no surprise, I spent my name day, on Labor Day weekend, working with my hands; much like many of the other Labor Days of the past, and is why I'm showing up a bit tardy.

.... it was a little hot outside! :)

To reflect on what it means to celebrate and survive to another name day, being able to do something that I love - and being paid to do so - is likely one of the greatest name day presents. Having worked so hard over the years to provide such an opportunity is a gift beyond measure.
Cheers to another name day! I hope the universe gives us many, many more together.
Until next week my friend, have a grateful weekend!
Something about birthday posts that unexpectedly all involve some sort of tree or forestry image. Might be that a Joshua-Tree is a real thing... so I cannot, not keep this going. :)
