How doth I compare thee to another day?
Thou art more awesomer in every way!
The sun may shine,
The sky could be gray,
I'd still prefer thee over any day.
The week's a blur...
Oh such a sweet kitty!

pur, pur, pur!
I don't knoweth why
But things starting with F and ending in Y can maketh a grown ass man cry
I want to say, but it may sound cliche
...thee knoweth what?!
F! yesterday!
For the days that follow
at which mine beer cuppeth becometh hollow
I wilt doth mine best to not stumble and wallow
Tis just but a short few
before it's back to the do, do, do.
Till then, I will sitteth here and ponder
and maybe wander
because Friday is the most awesome kind of day
and I cannot say it in any other way!
Fuck yeah!
Have a grateful Friday! :)
