Good morning wonderful friend :)
I hope you had a great Christmas. Ours was quite wonderful and am still thinking of the fun times from this past week. That being said however.... I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to taking down all of the decorations either! >D
As we near the close of 2018 and bring in the new year of 2019 I cannot help but reflect on what's transpired over this time.. I'd like to say I really can't remember this year.. however I can... hahaha... All I have to do is go online and well.. there it is... I've publicly shared my life with you... every. single. Friday. all. year?! :)
Writing my final email for the year 2018 has a strange significance... as I compose my thoughts today, this morning's post makes for #100. For a kid who rushed through building models, or a dude who still cannot finish a video game's story.. reaching 100 consecutive weekly picture emails/posts is a milestone for me. It has shaped and disciplined me in a way I lack the words for.
I honestly never thought my weekly picture emails/posts would have the impact on me like they have. It started off as a gentle way to just say hi and it's progressively evolved into something greater...
It was SO! stressful writing my first email back in January of 2017... the fear of rejection, the "don't send me this" reply's.. man! it was hell. But thank the heavens I said F'it with my insecurities and committed.. sure I got the "pound sand" reply's.. but it's been worth all of it..
In the deepest part of my heart, me reaching #100 has nothing to do with me.. but entirely with you!
Although it's my words and effort that I virtually scribe to you...but it's the unanticipated feedback I get after publishing.. As the months and years would progress, unexpectedly, I would get random emails or texts Friday AM saying "where's my picture"... "dude, you need to start a podcast" or one of my favorites "I need something to delete this morning.. hurry up!" ...
or on a more serious level...
the thoughts I've shared have provoked people to share them with their friends and families as a reminder to do different, try, be vulnerable.. because it's okay.. or anything they feel is worth sharing.. or they made a change in their life, took a risk on something, stepped out of their comfort zone... being the one to have unintentionally kicked over that rock for them.. man.. talk about personally moving!.. on a deeper, more intimate level..
I've ended so many of my emails before saying if you need someone, a buddy, a safe place to be yourself, that I am, we are always here. I've had people reach out to me days/weeks after going through some life stuff just wanting an opinion.. never would I have anticipated my words having such connection...
I had a buddy going through some rough life shit and was motivated to reach out on occasion after a grateful email.. one time at 1130pm he replied saying he needed someone to talk too.. that convo that lasted until 230am. crying and talking with more crying and hugging... I cannot begin to tell you how moving that was.. sadly he would take his life months later.. :( RIP good buddy.. that was hard... so hard. If it wasn't for my grateful emails I would have not gotten to know someone so special. It required a level of honorable fortitude to press on and write the following Friday's knowing what motivated the connection.
As I cross the #100 threshold, I want nothing more than to continue my thanks to you for the support.. However I lack the words to effectively convey how special that it is for me. To save a grateful man's long-hearted ease of redundancy, please know from the bottom of my heart how thankful, how grateful I am for the trust you've given me to talk to you week after week. :)
so.. thank you. <3
On a lighter, more playful note, I will end #100 with some interesting facts..
Since January 20, 2017...
I've shared 100 topics ranging from personal & family, positive & motivational, Phoenix real estate updates, to building cool ass shit, water features and a handful of random stuff..
if you didn't know, I've got them all broken down here on my blog here:
Over this time..
I've selected 263,537 characters and spent 136 hours to convey my thoughts each week...
If that were in a Word document, at #12 size font, 1.5 spaced... it would equate to 146 pages (not including pictures)
I could have written:
"Thank you friend" 14,641 times
"I love you" 21,961 times
"I am grateful for today" 10,541 times
Assuming there's 18% spaces in that character count.. that leaves me with 216,100 symbolic characters...
being a simple man, my words probably average 5 characters per word.. which makes out to be 43,220 words... which is more words than the books Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Old Yeller, and the Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe. ... I feel so validated! hahaha... j/k...
Don't worry.. Harry Potter books, To Kill a Mocking Bird, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and an ass load of others... . they all have me way beat! :) Don't get me started on Le Miserbles..
and lastly... my favorite... it would be 6,589, 12oz bags of Reece's peanut butter cups.. or 4,002 regular bags of Skittles... but who's counting anyway >D HAHAAHHHAH!!!
In celebration of #100, sorting my 912 pictures I've collected by date... here is the 100th picture of my collection.

At the end of the day, achieving #100 is motivated/inspired by all the connections that have been made since #1. I'm grateful for where I am, where we are today... and I'm excited for the next 100!
Should you know someone who would appreciate a weekly picture email, please share this with them and ask they share their email address... it would mean the world to me.
If you or someone you know has some real estate questions, this is a safe place to ask without expectation...
Lastly, most importantly... if you need a buddy to talk to we are here.. or move some rock... :)
Have a grateful day! and be safe this coming holiday weekend!!! :) Make the rest of 2018 count!
-Josh & Chas
PS... this #100 post took almost 4 hours to cultivate.. thank you for your time <3