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Wanting what you already have

Pre 1920's it was uncommon to find a house that had running water.  Until then, it was only the well pump and outhouse, located outside.  

Up until this time really, having a burning fireplace for heat, a roof overhead to stay dry, hell, maybe even four walls around with some other rooms inside.  This was how to live.  Later on the air conditioner and water heater would be the things that brought tremendous comfort.  

All of this shit was long before the TV, home PC, internet, cell phones, gaming consoles, Doordash, Uber Eats, and Amazon.  Hell, this was all before people had two vehicles when some barely had the radio.  During this generation of time, the things people had weren't designed to fail (planned obsolescence).  

Lack for better, people were largely happy with what they already had.

Fast forward to today's time, the creature comforts have allowed our human desires to want even more.  No more the days of fighting to keep warm or cool in the summer.  No longer are the days of needing to shack up with a sibling or seven.  Not today.

Today's life can easily be compared to the endless movies and shows found on Netflix.  This is a great example because I know you've likely spent 30 min to an hour's time scrolling through the bottomless pit of entertainment options.

As we cross the threshold of the biggest holiday in the country, now likely the world, it takes considerable effort to slow down, stop, look around and be thankful wanting the things you already have.

How many of us out there order something on Amazon and have it sit in the box delivered, in that special receiving spot we all have at home, and it just sits there for days - unopened... waiting to be used.

Although I'm being playful with this generality, you can't argue with the idea that you have likely done this.  Or better yet, still do this.

This is not the end of the world of course.  I'd still love you regardless.  However, it can't beacon the awareness of how fucking fortunate we are in the endless things we already have.

So this year as you anticipate the gifts given, the gifts received, EVEN the gifts you bought yourself this year.  Take a moment and look at all that you have presently and find a way to love the things that you already have.

This will not takeaway the joys of the gift, but it will ground you in the awareness of what you already have.

Goals for the new year coincide with this too.  Goals are good.  You don't hit the target you never aimed at.  BUT.  Do not let the goals of accomplishment find themselves on the bench next to all the unopened Amazon shit you have.  

Goals and stuff are important.  But the foundation of what you have should never be overlooked, or undervalued.  Somewhere in another hemisphere on our tiny planet are countless places where these luxuries don't exist.  Shit, even some as far as no running water.

This year I hope you can slow down enough to find the grateful-self-awareness of the things you already have which will give you the capacity of wanting what you already have.

May this week be filled with appreciation and a deep level of gratitude for the life you have, the people special enough to be part of it.

Have a Merry F'n Christmas my good friend.

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Dec 24, 2024

Josh, very timely & spot on!

Raised our daughter in Montana without water for many years (our outhouse was on

an elk trail!😆).

We all learned to live frugally & so pleased daughter has returned to MT & that frugal life with her own family💞

So enjoy your thoughts.

Josh :) grateful
Josh :) grateful
Jan 06
Replying to

That's insane! no water! wow.

Sure did establish some good roots though! :)

Thank you for sharing!

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