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Give it a year

When the difficulties of life bear down on you in a way that you feel lost.... give it a year.

Be aware and acknowledge the difficulties but wake up every morning with one step in front of the other and give it a year.

This is not to say just let the current of life take you, sit there in your shit and just roll with it - no.  Continue to swim in a direction that you need to - flow with the current, be present, and give it year.

If you know that something is bringing you down, something doesn't fit - don't fret, stop it... don't overwhelm, one thing at a time, with grace and self-understanding - and give it a  year.

In short time a year will pass.  Three hundred and sixty-five tomorrows will pass and suddenly you'll be aware.  This may not land on the day, but it will land a time that syncs up with your conscious. 

Like going to the store every week, for weeks on end, you will suddenly find yourself sitting at the table getting ready to eat your homemade amazing meal.  In your awakening, you will see that it wasn't a start-stop-poof here you go.  


Instead it's the culmination of efforts, easy steps broken out to a habitual motion of going forward without a grind requirement mixed with failure and triumph.  

Give it a year and you'll see.

Where I sit at the moment - literally this moment..

I'm at the same, exact table as last year where we ate breakfast with the dolphins.. but my heart, the fears, the challenges, the... are not the same as they were those 365 days ago. 


Honestly, it feels like yesterday that I was just here... Father Time gives no F's of care to the quickness he takes it... but maybe that's part of the allure in bettering one's self, or facing challenging times.

Right now in retrospect, those small adjustments, those things that did make me happy, I kept doing.. and the things that didn't fit, hurt in some aspect, including self sabotaging things, the things that didn't make me happy - I stopped.  Some ish of course are lingering.


I gave it a year. 

Not intentionally, not spitefully.  I just kept stepping froward - oftentimes tripping/dragging/fretting... but forward nonetheless.

Today, 365 days... sorry, 8,760 hours - better yet, 525,600 minutes later - I am in a different place.  

I didn't realize this until the table had been set.

Give it a year.

If you need a buddy to be there, we got you.

Have a grateful Friday! 

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