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Life of the Pass

Have you ever stopped and admired the graceful mindset of an elite athlete?  Their ability to stay focused when all is going well, or to shit, or at least on the line.  For them to step into the gates of hell, yet be as cool as ice and perform seamlessly as if it was a no pressure stroll in the park.

It's an artform of self control, discipline, and confidence.  

Watching this unfold - wow?! 

These moments can be seared into our hearts and minds for a lifetime.

Hard for us simple folk in the stands getting wrapped up in the emotions and stresses of it all.  Lord knows I've been there many times. 

When it really counts there's no doubt that they are often in pain, wrought with anguish of the struggle, pressures from the fans, themselves, teammates, the $M contracts... take out all that shit, the way forward is relatively simple... 

that moment is done, all we can do is plan for what's next.

Mental Conditioning Coach, Trevor Mowad (RIP) coined the term "Life of the Pass"

Although for sports, the term is so fitting to real life - especially the pressures we all face.

For every sport that deals with a ball in hand, there is a life of the pass.

In its infancy, it is clutched closely to the chest, then launched forward... forward towards the goal, or to a teammate.  There's intentionality, energy exerted all for a moment of possibility.

In its release it pulls against gravity and dances in the air from the intended force - fighting against what cannot be seen.

As it reaches its peak, it starts its descent down.  For a split, unseen second, it's momentarily suspended in possibility.  As it winds down descending to its target the life of the pass is already half over.

When it reaches its target, the ball rests.  It's journey is complete.

Complete however doesn't always mean success.

Easy to move forward when the target is hit, the goal is achieved... 

But what about the unsuccessful?  

What then?

There are no take backs once the ball is thrown.  It's done.  

​When it bounces off the hands of the recipient, the goal, or into the hands of an opponent, the intentionality of where it was supposed to go is done; period.

What do you do?

Nothing, you can't do anything.  

It's in the past... the life of the pass is over.

There is only one thing you can do.

Wipe the dirt off and try again.

Thank heavens the length of our lives are far longer than the throw of a ball! 

The message is still the same in our lives. 


The life of _______" 

... going to the store

... the relationship that was

... the employment

... your decision to do

The beauty is that you can always throw again.  The challenge is being okay letting go of the bad pass and trying again.

The Greats detach from the stresses from the opposite outcome they wanted, and throw again.

The Greats detach from the successes of the momentum they're achieving, and throw again.

You don't have to be great to do this...

You just gotta be willing to try, again.

Breaking the situation down to a small life time, the life of a pass, makes moving forward a little easier. 

Have a grateful weekend! :)

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