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Left-Handed Lessons

Many have told me that as I creep into my 40's is when the tires start falling off.  Shit doesn't work like it used to.  Suddenly what didn't hurt now hurts.  I have been found looking at something and unexpectedly my wonderful bride pops off nonchalantly in a shaming tone... "what's with your stupid face?!"

Well dear, since you asked, I can't read this shit on my phone!.. but thanks for asking! 



So goes the randomness of bodily injuries that once were all but old person allure.

The daily grind of the GÜD life can be demanding on my body.   For some of my older customers the conversation of how long I plan to do this is brought up now and again.  My follow-up is that my GP said that as soon as you stop, gravity will suck you back down.  I really don't want that.  Expanding on that inevitably, I tell them I look towards the seasoned ranchers and farmers as role models.  Sure they are old and tired, likely hurt more than they like, but dammit if ever, they're still keeping after it.  

It's been a few solid, honest months of battling a shoulder injury that suddenly manifested.  For the longest time I thought it was a rotator cuff issue that reared its head again, but alas, this was another aging dynamic. After reading the interwebs and coming to the conclusion I'm not dying, I've been taking it easy. Nonetheless, this new pain has required that I regularly use the other hand/arm/side to keep up with the day.  


The difference is that I can grind through on the bad arm but have "chosen" to use the other to give the injured side a break.  If you watch any of the amazing sports players they have deliberately conditioned both sides of the body to respond the the demands of their craft.  As silly as this sounds, that is what I am telling myself as I tolerate the drudgery of how poor my ability is using the other hand... Only after self embarrassment and extended durations of work do I succumb to poor willpower and shift back to the right side.

Despite the temporary shoulder pain, I'm instantly grateful for the use of my good side... which leads me to the motivation of this post...

When life is on cruise control, find growth in using the other hand.

If there ever was a time when you wanted to feel immediately "grateful", use your opposite side for a practical duration then switch back to your primary hand.  There is no mistaking how relieved you will feel.  Skip needing a dopamine fix.. let's get a sudden dose of gratitude?! 

If you've lived long enough you will have temporarily survived a physical setback where you had NO choice in the matter but had to use the other hand.  To expand on that, I'm sure you know/know of someone who suddenly loses their hand/leg in an accident or health issue. 

Or worse, like a client of mine, watches me from his wheelchair having been born with a muscle deterioration disease - not MS.  As I am in his home it is my professional responsibility to work around the challenges he faces.  Meanwhile as he watches me carry materials inside, dance around the ups and downs of the latter, holding heavy weight of the work, solely; yet, still  can sit there with a smile on his face enjoying the day like I am but can't do a fraction of the things I can.


When I leave his home, I am continually reminded of how lucky I am.  How grateful I am to be able to do the things I can.  Merely dancing between the two arms on a daily need/want, frequently reminds me of that. 

So next time you are doing something - slightly demanding, use the other hand.  The easiest is to eat with your other hand.  Should you find yourself being the type to wolf down your food, or know that you need to be there to enjoy the company, or want a pleasantly-shitty experience, eat with your other hand.  You'll be surprised at how slow you eat while being distracted at how much more you're focused on something you take for granted.

Know that when it sucks bad enough, you can "choose" to use the other hand and save the exhaustion of not being able to.  In that moment, the movement of extreme vulnerability, thank the heavens you can do such a thing.

The trick however, the importance in the lesson is to live your life in a way that you are regularly grateful for.

and to do so,




When things are easy, let the left-hand teach you humility while rewarding you with gratitude after the struggle. 

Have a grateful weekend! 

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