One of the coolest things about my GÜD life, my GÜD job are the opportunities that find themselves in my wheelhouse capability that earns me the chance to do something different. Being a hired jack of all trades, pretty good at whatever, even the weird stuff, makes my head have to be in many different places... which also keeps me very busy.
It's been a long time since I have been intimidated by an opportunity - but the last few days were nothing but intimidation.
I got a call from a distributor that needed a competent hand to install an automatic-motorized storage rack to be installed in a garage. She was preparing to have someone come out from California to do the install, but couldn't lock in a time for them. With that problem of hers, she found herself on my website.
I suppose there were a number of things that caught her eye there, but she said "from what I see here, you will be just fine with this job". After a simple quick convo she gave me a rundown and it piqued my interest. I could feel I was very competent for this, but no doubt, I was intimidated for sure.
Nonetheless, it was a good paying job, one that would find me in a garage, in the summertime, left alone to build something I never had before, oh yeah, and it was over 100 degrees.. why not! sounds like a blast! LOL
Lord!! I sure know how to torment myself!
So she sent me an email with an ass ton of instructions and a 36 minute video to get a grasp on what was required... She also said to make sure I didn't tell the customer that this was the first time I was installing this... she wanted to save face.
The days leading up to this felt as if I was preparing for my first day of work?!
Thankfully I have become conditioned in life to throw myself into something I think I can do although I had never done it before... Like my first water feature job, not to mention Alicia Key's water feature. Both projects were wayyyyy more intimidating than this - but no matter the bull ride, trying to perform with confidence in light of no real experience... stress is sure to follow.
Like wearing my heart on my sleeves, I also wear my confidence on my sleeves. Despite not knowing the details particularly, I did know that I could pull this off - even in over 100 degree temperatures.
I am quite pleased with the outcome! :)
Right out of the box, the parts and pieces were a lot. Do this, don't do this, red is on the right, green left, control box, particular wiring order, six different install orientations, clearances, weight limit... was an interesting unfolding.

The hardest part is always the start. The lifts were designed to be installed with supports that are perpendicular to the trusses.. only if an expansion kit is purchased will you be able to install parallel to the trusses.... if no kit is purchased, well... instructions said you needed to go to a big box store and buy necessary material...
ugh... talk about feeling like a dumbass with the customer who thinks you've done this a lot... This curveball added to the slow start of things. The ceilings were almost 10' tall and it was a 100% solo install when I really should have had an install wingman. To add insult to injury, I was fighting a rotator cuff shoulder injury to'boot!
Damn this shit getting old shit.
Thankfully I had two of these to install. This allowed me to learn on one while being able to volley between the two compensating for the normal learning curve.
I prevailed regardless.

The supports parallel to the motors were not part of the order.
Although these were the first of their kind, I had already installed a number of overhead racks. I was way ahead on the right kind of tooling needed. Such a dope lineup I couldn't not take a picture. :)
One drill to remove the screws, the other to drill pilot holes, the heavy drill to sink the lag bolts into the trusses. Made for a nice efficiency.

I am happy to know the physical limits of myself. Day one was an 8hr commitment, in north of 100 degrees at 30% humidity. (client was running an evap cooler)
I consumed almost 2 gallons of water and was soaked through all of my clothes. I had grinded the entire day without a break beyond running to the store.
When I came back for day two, my customer said she feared finding me fainted off the ladder!
All the years being tucked away in the shop for hours at a time, this was very reminiscent of my water feature grind.
With a break between the days helped clear the head for the final mechanical undertaking, which was the most daunting. Instructions said don't over-operate or the motors will overheat and stall for 15-20 minutes. Yeah, add that to the 100+ degrees, I was being considerate between the two to elevate that possibility.
After hitting a roadblock I called a service tech for guidance on the fine tuning. I'm thankful I did because the instructions were a challenge...
Outside ports, turn counter clockwise, wait until lights turn off, turn clockwise until lights turn on, turn off ADJ mode, set back, move ladder, up/down ladder, hit number 3, then 2, reset ADJ, hit inside ports, move ladder, up/down ladder, turn counter clockwise.
Once lights are off, move ladder, up/down ladder, set back ADJ off, hit number 1, wait for white lights to come on, move ladder, up/down ladder, use extender adjuster, turn only clockwise, run motors down to level..
move ladder, up/down ladder,
move ladder, up/down ladder,
move ladder, up/down ladder,
move ladder, up/down ladder,
move ladder, up/down ladder,
move ladder, up/down ladder,
ugh bro!
Had settings for ceiling level and same settings, opposite ports, different functions for the floor level.
Client would pop in to watch... already sweating balls in heat, sweating balls to not look like a fool...
But I kept a clear head and focused on the task.
move ladder, up/down ladder,
move ladder, up/down ladder,
move ladder, up/down ladder,
All in all, it was a fun ass experience. Got this bitch all right and ready!
New 400lb automatic lift next to the old fashioned static overhead storage rack.

Intended to clear garage door by 1/2"

At the end of this, it took me about 13ish hours of install time, which included going to the store to buy material and then cut/fabricate custom parts. The tech on the phone told me that was very good time considering it was my first go, with two, and was entirely solo.
Customer was also super happy! :)

When I got home yesterday, I tallied the water for both days...
I was at 7 gallons before bed, lost 8lbs, and used the bathroom 3 times in two days?!...
I sure know how to torment myself! hahah...
I wouldn't do it if I didn't love the exercise of stress, exercise of opportunity, and the exercise of it physically. Feel a bit smoked right now and my calves are feeling the grind! hahaha
I think I'm gonna chill and play some video games to wind down the muscles.
Until next week my friend :)
Chas and I are here if you need anything!
