Good morning :)
It appears as though the hurricane has dwindled and disappeared... but man! lots of rain. :) There was a little flooding yesterday too. All that aside though, compared to AZ, it has been really nice to participate in. The other day I was outside reading "The Good Giver" while it rained... (awesome, awesome book BTW) Shortly after it was done, the sun came out and lit up this abandoned shed / building. I was so distracted while reading I was compelled to take a couple pics... I was quite proud of myself and have added this to my collection.

In the spirit of an awesome American Holiday, this week's pic is of... well The 4th :) We hope everyone has a safe long weekend. Be safe! :)

Although we're out and about till next week, if you or someone you know has a question or needs direction, please reach out. You can only sit, drink beer, eat, and kill flys for so long before you need a break now and again... hahaha!
Till next week! please have a grateful day :)
-Josh & Chas